MORE than 100 drivers have been caught speeding on the Toneway in Taunton.

Avon and Somerset's Road Safety Team were out recently and in two hours, they detected 172 drivers speeding including the driver of this vehicle (photo above) doing 61mph in a 40mph limit.

A Taunton Neighbourhood Policing group spokesperson said: “Why are we telling you this? Because we receive a lot of complaints of vehicles speeding on the roads of Taunton.

“And because we want you to slow down and to drive the speed limit.

“Not only does speeding have a direct correlation with the injury severity outcome of a collision it has a significant impact on people's everyday lives.

“We want you to consciously think ‘There could be a Police unit with a speed gun around the corner’, so this makes you consciously drive.

“A large proportion of drivers who have been driving for many months/years eventually end up driving subconsciously and do not concentrate on driving as they once did.

“There is also this big rumour that speeding fines generates money into our Christmas fund at times we really wish it did, but it doesn't for us unfortunately.

“The vast majority have an education course which is what the fine covers.

“A small amount from each course by way of cost recovery goes directly to supporting all Road Safety initiatives within Avon and Somerset.

“These initiatives are not funded by the taxpayer and funds cannot be used for anything else.

“One person a day is either killed or seriously injured on the roads of Avon and Somerset and so far this year 53 people have been killed in a road traffic collision.

“If we can bring the speeds down, the severity of the injury will be less.”