A FORMER Avon and Somerset police constable has appeared in court over allegations he shared images of a dead body to family and a friend on WhatsApp.

Lewis Wood, 42, from Bridgwater, was charged with taking stills and footage from the force computer and sharing it with loved ones on multiple occasions.

Magistrates heard these included images of a dead man and other material relating to the arrest of a suspected child rapist.

Wood is charged with three counts of misconduct in a public office.

He appeared via video link at Bristol Magistrates' Court yesterday (Tuesday, October 24), but his case was too serious to be dealt with and sent to Exeter Crown Court, where Wood will appear at a hearing next month.

The court heard Wood was charged with abusing the public's trust.

The first charge stated that on seven occasions between December 13, 2018, and August 31, 2020, he gained access to the Avon and Somerset police computer and "recorded video footage onto your mobile phone that was shared with various members of your friends together with comments in WhatsApp chat".

The court heard that Wood was also charged with "recording images of a deceased" onto his personal mobile phone from the police computer between June 24, 2020, and August 6, 2020.

He is then accused of sharing it with various members of his "family and a friend over WhatsApp thereby removing the data from the control of the Avon and Somerset Constabulary".

The court also heard that Wood, who was sat beside his solicitor, Jeremy Harris, was charged with recording onto his personal mobile phone video footage that he shared with family members "relating to the arrest of a male for rape of a child".

The charge, that covered the period between December 31, 2019, and January 3, 2020, stated that the former police officer also shared images of his witness statement on WhatsApp to his father.

Wood will next appear for his hearing at Exeter Crown Count on November 24. He was released on unconditional bail.

His employment with Avon and Somerset Police ended in 2021.