STOKE St Gregory CofE Primary School is celebrating success in a national times tables competition called ‘England Rocks’.

The online competition, hosted by a company called Times Tables Rockstars, invited schools across England to answer as many correct multiplication and division questions correctly as they could in a three-day period.

Schools were then given a school score and ranked at the end of a week.

Stoke St Gregory, a small village primary with just under 60 pupils, came an impressive 44th out of 4,357 schools and colleges in England.

The school ranked fourth out of 342 schools within a 50-mile radius of Taunton.

Head teacher Barney Rycroft said: “This is a fantastic achievement for the school.

"I am proud but not surprised by the success.

"The school scored well above national average in last year’s statutory times table check for primary aged pupils.

"This is credit to the hard work of staff, pupils and families.

"It was great to see the children entering into the spirit and being so competitive.”