A SOMERSET MP is campaigning to prevent the axing of bus services.

Sarah Dyke, Liberal Democrat MP for Somerton and Frome, is spearheading the initiative to secure the future of the 58/58A, 54 and 30 bus routes and the evening services of the D2.

These bus services, provided by Somerset Council through government funding, are under threat with reviews pending in the coming months.

Ms Dyke's campaign includes a petition, repeating her efforts last year to preserve the D2 route.

The previous campaign drew over 1,500 signatures after First Group threatened to discontinue the evening, Sunday and public holiday services of the D2, leading to a significant public backlash.

Ms Dyke said: "I know how vital bus services are to local communities, which is why I campaigned hard last year to make sure the evening, Sunday and public holiday services of the D2 weren’t axed.

"I have heard numerous stories from local people who rely on these routes to go about their day-to-day lives.

"They would be left stranded if they were removed."

The MP highlighted the 54 route, which connects the two largest towns in the county, Taunton and Yeovil.

She added: “At a time of high fuel costs, as well as the climate emergency, these core bus services provide a lifeline to many in our community who have no other way to travel.

"I will continue to stand up for our buses and to put pressure on the Government to provide Somerset Council with greater support.

"I am urging everyone who uses these bus services, knows someone who does or simply believes that they’re important to sign my petition."

Ms Dyke is also seeking to raise awareness about the £2 bus fare cap, an incentive for greater bus usage to ensure long-term viability.

Peter Travis, co-chair of Somerset Bus Partnership, said: "The £2 fare is a great initiative by the Government, but not if there are no bus services for you to use."