The three Taunton Town supporters, Jack Scadden, Shane Jordan and Keynone Blight set out on the first leg of their challenge to visit all 164 football clubs in the top seven leagues last week.

Starting on Wednesday at 10am they managed to get to get to all of the Premier League sides in the space of just 20 hours and 30 minutes- which is no mean feat- and its all to raise money for Children’s Hospice South West.

Jack Scadden who was the mastermind behind the challenge, and was one of the three who completed the first leg said: “It was an amazing experience and to think that we covered 1200 miles and got to visit every Premier League football ground in the country in 20 hours and 30 minutes.

“We started outside Newcastle United at 10am on Wednesday morning and arrived at Bournemouth the final one at 6.30am on Thursday.”

Jack went on: “The hardest part was the length of time that we had to be awake. We got to Luton just north of London about midnight by which time we were all pretty tired after which it was a pretty hard slog. To get to all of the London clubs took us about three hours but we stuck to it and got through it to be fair and at then end its all been worthwhile.”

So what’s next for the Taunton Boys in their 164 Club challenge?

“We are just now putting plans in place now with a slightly bigger team to visit all of the Championship grounds starting in Sunderland at the Stadium of Light on Monday 15th January 2024.

“I think visiting the Championship grounds in 24 hours will be a little bit harder as the places are a little more spread out across the country. There are a lot of teams in the Yorkshire area then we have got to go into Wales, Bristol City and Southampton and we will finish in Plymouth but that is going to be quite a challenge.

“However that's what the whole thing is about, its a big charity challenge for Children’s Hospice South West and we are definitely up for it.”

Summing up Jack said: “It was definitely a challenge and I didn’t think that we would be as tired as we were so next time I think we could do with a bigger team to share the load. It really was an amazing experience and something that I have been planning for a long time.

He added: “It was nice to get the first one out of the way and now we can concentrate on the Championship Challenge.”

To support the Taunton Town Trio in their quest to raise funds for Children’s Hospice South West please log onto and  type in Jack Scadden 164 Stadium Tour for Children’s Hospice South West page.