A BUILDING that has served as a vet's surgery since 2005 could be converted into a home.

A change of use planning permission is being sought to revert the premises in Kingston Road back into a home.

County Veterinary Clinic has already moved out and set up in Bindon Road, a site offering more parking spaces.

Now business owners Dan and Rachel Holden, of Doggy Doctor Ltd, which owns the clinic, have applied to Somerset Council for the change of use permission.

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In their submission to the planners, they say: "We wish to return the above property to its original purpose as a residential dwelling, as we have relocated our veterinary practice to a property within a commercial area with more parking.

"The proposed changes are minor, comprising removal of partition walls constructed to create separate clinical areas and reinstatement of the original internal layout of the property.

"The garden area removed to create client and staff parking will be reinstated.

"All existing garden area will be retained.

"This will create a family dwelling within walking and cycling distance of the train station and town centre.

"The footfall and traffic to the building will be dramatically reduced, as staff and clients will no longer be attending."