Flooding is expected in parts of Somerset today, (December 10) as heavy rain is forecasted which will overwhelm the River Tone.

The Environment Agency has issued a red flood warning, which means flooding is expected for the River Tone and West Moor, Hay Moor and Curry Moor including New Road between North Curry and the A361, and Cutts Road at East Lyng.

There is no Met Office weather warning in place, but isolated showers remain possible for Saturday and Sunday. The risk of flooding remains is still a risk over the next few days.

The Environment Agency said: "The River Tone level at Currymoor pumping station is 7.49 m and is rising by 10 mm per hour. Water will enter Currymoor reservoir via Hookbridge spillway whilst this level exceeds 7.45 m. The drain level at Currymoor is 6.48 m and rising by 10mm per hour. "

"Please consider weather conditions, local water levels and your flood plan if you have one. Do not attempt to drive, walk or cycle through flood water. This message will be updated by midday on 10 December."

The Met Office advice for flood includes:

  • move vehicles to higher ground if it’s safe to do so
  • move family and pets to safety
  • move important items upstairs or to a safe place in your property, starting with cherished items and valuables, then furniture and furnishings
  • turn off gas, electricity and water supplies if it’s safe to do so; never touch an electrical switch if you’re standing in water
  • if you have property protection products such as flood barriers, or air brick covers, use them now