A PRIMARY school in Taunton took part in a festive tractor run this week. 

On Tuesday, December 12, pupils, parents and staff at Lydeard St Lawrence travelled on a convoy of tractors with santa in tow, to 'spread Christmas cheer and bring communities together'. 

Organised by Lydeard St Lawrence Primary School PFTA, the event brought festive carols to villages surrounding the school. 

A spokesperson for the school said: "There will be more community events! Lydeard St Lawrence Primary School continues to raise its profile to new families as an excellent choice for children’s educational journey.

"Miss Lihou, our new headteacher, joined the Bath and Wells Multi-Academy Trust School this September. And now, the school is going from strength to strength. All thanks to an inclusive, compassionate and resilient school community that ensures children are at the centre of all they do.

"With the school at the heart of the community, Miss Lihou, the amazing team, governors and parents have been able to relaunch community groups such as ‘stay and play’ on a Friday morning and forest school sessions on a Tuesday morning."