GENEROUS locals have come to the aide of a mother this Christmas, after a Somerset man set up an online fundraiser which has raised thousands in just one day.

A GoFundMe fundraiser page was set up on Wednesday, December 20 by a man from Frome, who is a close friend of mum Melanie Winters whose teenage son is currently battling cancer.

Colin Taylor, who organised the fundraiser, explained that Melanie is unable to work due to being a full time carer for her son, who is only 15-years-old.

To donate to the fundraiser, click here.

On the GoFundMe page, he wrote: "Hello all, my name is Colin, and I am asking for any support to help my friend while she is going through this very hard time.

"Melanie Winters' son is only 15 years old, and is currently battling cancer.

"She is spending all her time in the hospital to watch over him, but also she has the worry about bills and not being able to work, and these are things she should not have to be dealing with.

"Please, if anyone can give anything, even if it's a pound or a dollar, it will all help.

"She is broken, and it's breaking my heart to see my dear friend go through this.

"Let's show people the true meaning of Christmas, and help in any way we can."

Over £8,000 has been raised in the little over 24 hours the fundraiser has been active, with messages of support pouring in from across Somerset.