A non-profit music organisation in Great Elm is in need of funds to replace its septic tank.

Jackdaws Music Education Trust has so far raised £7,106 of its £10,000 target.

The money raised will be used to cover the 'large, unexpected expenditure' and to ensure that its other activities will not be affected.

A spokesman for Jackdaws Music Education Trust said: "We know it is a tough time for everyone at the moment, and Jackdaws is no exception.

"Our running costs have increased a great deal and maintaining our activity, while it has never been easy, is an ongoing challenge.

"A large, unexpected expenditure is a long way down the list of what we would like, but unfortunately this is what we have been presented with.

"Our septic tank, the usual way waste is dealt with in a rural setting such as ours, needs replacing.

"We have some emergency funds available but we need to raise at least a further £10,000 to fully cover the costs of this work and for our other activity to remain unaffected."

You can make a donation to the music trust by visiting www.justgiving.com/campaign/diggingdeepforjackdaws