PEDESTRIANS will still be able to walk across a bridge off Taunton town centre during refurbishment work starting next week.

The footpaths on either side of North Town Bridge - the main town bridge between Bridge Street and North Street - will be closed to the public 24 hours a day from Monday (January 8) until October 18, a total of 285 days.

But temporary pedestrian zones will be set up. 

Somerset Council has issued the temporary closure order of the bridge footpath from 55 metres south of Wood Street for a total of 90 metres.

It will enable Walters to carry out refurbishment of the bridge on behalf of the council.

READ MORE: Repairs to be carried out to Taunton bridge.

Information about alternative routes are available at

For further details of the work contact Walters on 0797 7197139 quoting reference ttro448616W(TD).

Due to confusion, we inadvertently earlier reported it was another bridge set to be closed to pedestrians. We are pleased to clarify things.