YOUNG people from Taunton and Bridgwater are wanted to help out with conservation work on the Quantock Hills AONB.

Spaces are available for locals aged 12-16 who are prepared to help out on the Quantocks on one Saturday per month, with free transport to be provided.

The ideal candidates should enjoy being outdoors and would like to learn more about practical conservation work.

Duties undertaken by the Young Rangers include:

  • Drystone walling 
  • Hedeglaying 
  • Tree planting 
  • Woodland and grassland management 

They will also be taught skills such as map reading, first aid, bushcraft, and practical conservation.

A spokesperson for Young Somerset, the organisation behind the Young Rangers initiative, said: "Young Rangers learn new practical skills like walling, hedge laying, fencing, and tree planting but perhaps more importantly learning to work as a team, experiencing job satisfaction, and building a solid set of achievements that will boost their prospects whatever life and career path they may later choose."

For more information, email Verity at 

Successful applicants will have the chance to gain Level 1 or 2 accredited modules in land based skills, although this is not compulsory).

There will be the opportunity to work with professionals who work in the conservation and land management sector on the Quantock Hills and across Somerset, as well as a two night residential trip during the year.

The program is fully funded includes clothing, equipment and residential trip costs.