TWO musical events will soon take place at St John’s Church in Taunton.

On Sunday, January 28 at 4pm, the Queen’s College, Taunton, will be singing for the Candlelit Service of Evensong in celebration of Candlemass.

Refreshments will be available before and after the service.

On Sunday, February 11, at 3pm, The Wilbye Quartet is to perform a programme of Musical Meditations for Lent.

Lent will be starting on Wednesday, January 14 so this will be perfect inspiration for this period of reflection and preparation.

The Wilbye Quartet started singing together during Covid restrictions once small groups were allowed to meet but before larger groups were allowed.

The four musicians, Jane Cresswell soprano, Lynn Carter alto, Roger Bates tenor, and Simon Davies Bass enjoyed their regular rehearsals so much that they have continued to meet and enjoy performing at various venues in Somerset and beyond.

Their programme will include Chorales from Bach’s St Matthew’s Passion and other works by Victoria, Byrd, Morley, Tchaikovsky, and Bruckner.