ACCORDING to an MRP poll by YouGov, reported by The Telegraph at the weekend, the Liberal Democrats are predicted to win 48 seats in the next election.

The Liberal Democrats say they have made constituencies like Taunton and Wellington the centrepiece of the party’s General Election campaign, vowing to “tear down the Blue Wall” and capitalise on the thousands of voters “who are sick to their back teeth with the Conservative government”.

The local party is running major campaigns against the Government focused on fixing local health services which have been run into the ground.

They are calling for the right to see a GP within a week or 24 hours if in urgent need, a legal guarantee to start cancer treatment within two months of an urgent referral, and ensuring people can get an NHS dentist appointment when they need one.

Responding to the poll, Mr Amos said "this is just one poll" but also added: "The poll shows that change is a real possibility in Taunton and Wellington.

“It's up to voters to decide, but I'm encouraged it shows that hard work from the Lib Dem team could deliver the change we all so desperately need.

“But this is just one poll, and the Conservatives are amassing millions to spend on social media and paid support in the campaign to come - so come and join us and support my team in this key swing seat.

“In the meantime, what matters most to me now is the work I’m doing to stand up for our NHS and vital local services.

“What’s beyond doubt from The Telegraph’s poll is that thousands here in Taunton and Wellington are crying out for real change after being taken for granted by this Conservative government.

“We shouldn’t be in a situation where local families can’t get a GP appointment, government social care cuts mean councils are going bankrupt around the country, water companies dump sewage in our river Tone, and people can’t afford the basics.

“We need a change - and this poll confirms that in this area voting for the Liberal Democrats in the General Election is the one way to deliver it.

“While Conservative MPs are too busy fighting with themselves to care, I’m already working to stand up for our local community.

“The Conservative Party could not be more out of touch but we in the Liberal Democrats are campaigning hard for people to get a fair deal.

“As our area's next MP, I would stand up for Taunton and Wellington and give local people the strong voice in Parliament they want and deserve.”

Rebecca Pow, Taunton Deane MP, said: “I do not comment on polling as I am focusing on delivery for the people of Taunton Deane."