Stepping away from matters directly related to the property market this week, it may amuse some to read of an anecdote related by the late internationally acclaimed business mentor, Edward de Bono, at a conference I attended a few years ago.

To succeed in business, especially the property business, you have to do all you can to stay one step ahead of the next guy. If you don’t respond to a call from a client or advertise their property quickly and properly, someone else will. This characteristic calls for quick thinking and in many cases drastic action. In humorous vein but with a meaningful undertone, Mr de Bono raised a laugh but struck a definite chord with his tale ….

At the end of an exhausting day trekking through a forest in the Yellowstone Park in the USA, two hikers, we’ll call them Bill and Bob, pitched tent, climbed into their sleeping bags and were just dropping off for a well earned sleep when they heard the distant sound of breaking branches. Curious of the cause, Bill opened the tent flap, peered out and to his horror saw a huge grizzly bear emerging from the darkness towards them.

With that all hell broke loose - ‘QUICK, GET UP!’ he shouted as he shook Bob from his slumbers, ‘THERE’S A BEAR COMING!’. Bob responded and took off in double quick time but Bill hesitated to pull on his trainers. ‘What the hell are you doing?’ screamed Bob, ‘You won’t be able to run faster than the bear!’. ‘No, but I’ll be able to run faster than you’, Bill hollered as he streaked past his doomed companion!

Very good! Forward Thinking could be valuably employed by anyone thinking of selling right now. ‘SOLD’ prices have dropped a little and are predicted to drop a few percentage points more during the months ahead, faced as we are with such tough economic times.

Chris Willey is an Independent Property Appraiser and welcomes sale related enquiries on Taunton 01823 412661.