On Sunday 11th February, a team of Somerset choir leaders came together to get the local community singing at the CICCIC centre in Taunton, raising money for Medical Aid for Palestinians in the process.

The choir is organised and lead by Catherine Mowat. She was joined by Claire Anstee, Claire Stronach, and Pete Linnett for the day, who all lead various community choirs in Somerset. With one leader for each part, the choir was well received by the people involved.

Catherine says, “the benefits of singing to health are well known and singing physically influences people for the better. The heartbeats of people singing together even becomes synchronised, how cool is that!”

Once the day had finished, it was revealed that Catherine and her team raised nearly £1500 for Medical Aid for Palestinians, which is a London based charity that provides supplies and support to the health system in Palestine, including Gaza.