I’ve inspected some 20,000 homes in and around Taunton over the last 40 years and one of the key considerations an estate agent needs to make when providing recommendations on value and saleability relates to the standard of presentation.

Probably the greatest challenge for sellers who are wise to the importance of showing off their home to best effect is dealing with clutter and how to sort it. It’s quite amusing for a property appraiser when being shown around a property by a prospective seller to be advised, ‘DON’T LOOK IN THERE!’ at various locations – in particular the airing cupboard!

It’s not just inside the house, I never cease to be amazed by the amount of furnishings, effects and pretty useless bric-a-brac that can be stashed away in the garage. The up and over door won’t open and you can’t get two steps inside at the back. Most of the contents are unwanted and redundant. You can’t wriggle out of it, they’ve got to go!

It’s that time of year again and for those planning a move (even maybe those staying put!) this week I want to offer some succinct and very experienced advice to clear the decks. Get a notebook and pen, take a sharp intake of breath and get stuck in. Tour the house, take one room at a time, look at every item and make a list of suspicious items. You have to be ruthless. If you haven’t used it or worn it for some time and are unlikely to use it or wear it for some time, either give it to a friend, take it to a charity shop or, if it’s rubbish, dump it.  

Well done! Your house will immediately look so much more attractive and will sell more easily, quite likely for a better price. Just 3 words to succeed – Declutter, declutter, declutter!

Chris Willey is an Independent Property Appraiser and welcomes sale related enquiries on Taunton 01823 412661.