Porter Dodson raised over £2,300 for Children's Hospice South West at this year's Jail and Bail fundraising event.

The law firm supported the exciting 'courtroom and prison' event at Exeter Castle.

Supporters were 'charged', 'tried', and 'jailed' with fanciful crimes until they raised bail from their connections.

Kate James, a known running enthusiast from Porter Dodson, found herself up against the fictional accusation of falsifying her Strava-running times.

On March 14, anonymous images of Ms James surfaced of her using scooters, public transport and enjoying a tea break during her supposed 10K personal best session.

Consequently, Devon and Cornwall Police 'arrested' her in Exeter City Centre and put her on trial at Exeter Castle.

Somerset County Gazette: The law firm supported the exciting 'courtroom and prison' event at Exeter Castle

Ms James surpassed the bail collection target amount of £999, raising £2,375.

Collectively, the 'jailed' supporters collected over £8,000.

Ms James said: "Thank you so much to everyone who supported me, those who know me well will understand how much outside of my comfort zone I was.

"For starters my Strava account is sacred territory, fancy dress is not something that comes naturally and then acting out my role just led to nervous laughter, but then it wasn’t supposed to be easy".