AS I’ve said many times before, hardly anything in life is in black or white: it’s more truthfully always a question of percentages.

In political terms, it's where you see, in the next decade or so, the balance between socialism’s public wealth and public services provision (via national parliament, local councils and taxes) and capitalism’s private wealth and private services provision (via big and small corporations, co-operatives, SMEs and customer charges).

In religious terms it's where you see, in the next thousand years or so, the balance between ancient scripture-sourced, authoritarian, deity-led, ‘faith’ religions and modern atheistic (or agnostic), democracy-sourced, scientific, evidence-led, humanist religion (

It is your own self-determination of these separate balances which will decide the fate of the present fast–accelerating ‘sixth mass extinction’ of life on planet Earth (please computer search previous five), in particular whether us humans survive as a species and how much other life will we take with us (e.g. via nuclear war)?

Unlike previous mass extinctions the current is driven by human activity causing chaotic climate and ecological conditions by unsustainable and polluting use of land, water and energy (specially fossil fuels). Currently, 40% of all land has been turned to food production.

Agriculture is also responsible for 90% of global deforestation and accounts for 70% of the planet’s freshwater use, devastating species by altering their habitats.

Also unsustainable food production and consumption are big greenhouse gas emitters causing atmospheric and sea temperatures to rise, wreaking havoc across the globe in arctic ice-melt (sea level rise), droughts, storms, floods and wildfires : all placing immense pressure on us and our precious planet - unless consumerism out, conservation in!

Time to state ‘net zero’ (back to 1990 emission levels) as much a sixth extinction death threat as politicians’ insanity over ‘business as usual”.

It’s only Greens who have basic “raison d’etre” honesty to name our wan-made environmental catastrophe as the horror it truly is, and demand an end to extreme private wealth, fossil fuels, consumerism, and militarism, before extinction becomes irreversible.