A local mum has fulfilled a New Year's resolution in publishing her first book.

It all began on New Year's Eve 2019 when Kimberley Hanks promised to write a book and potentially publish one.

Life swiftly threw two beautiful distractions, girls born in 2020 and 2023, which put the project on hold.

However, on May 5, 2024, nearly four and a half years later, Ms Hanks accomplished her New Year's pledge by publishing her debut book Tales of the Thompson Trio: Lighthouse Cove.

It is currently available on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

Ms Hanks said: "I kept it secret from pretty much everybody, in case I wasn't able to finish it, but then surprised the children at school on World Book Day, when I announced that I had written a book.

"I gave them a sneak preview and they loved it and soaked up every word."

Kimberley Hanks, besides being an author, she is a primary school teacher, leveraging her position to promote reading to children.

Her love for books began with her father reading her bedtime stories, and this sparked a lifelong passion for reading and the creation of written work.

This new chapter of authorship continues her journey amidst the rollercoaster of motherhood and teaching.