A WELLINGTON veterinary clinic have operated on a "bouncy" Cocker Spaniel after he snapped his tooth running into something on a walk.

The eight-year-old dog, called Jack, was taken to Cave Veterinary Specialists in West Buckland, where he was operated on by the dentistry team.

Speaking on April 17, a spokesperson from Cave Veterinary Specialists said: "Meet Jack, an eight-year-old Cocker Spaniel who snapped his tooth when he ran into something whilst on a walk.

"Without dental radiography, we wouldn’t have known that he had a retained tooth root. As nothing was visible from the outside this would have gone on to cause him oral pain and been a source of infection.

"Our dentistry team anaesthetised Jack, and they performed a full oral health assessment, including de-scaling and polishing, full-mouth X-rays, and charting of each tooth. This was followed by the extraction of the retained tooth root.

"We're delighted to say he was back to his normal bouncy Spaniel self within an hour following anaesthesia!"