WELLINGTON bus user group, part of Somerset Bus Partnership, is launching a ‘Catch the Bus’ campaign during Better Transport Week, 17–23 June.

Six different posters are being displayed around the town, showing many reasons for leaving the car at home and catching the bus – from saving money, reducing traffic congestion, pollution and CO2 emissions and safeguarding the future of our buses.

Alongside the posters, postcards will be available so people can provide comments about local bus services.

Collection boxes for the postcards will be placed in Ruxtons (High Street), Sunseed (South Street), Braziers (Tonedale), and Brock’s (Rockwell Green).

As part of the campaign, the group will be holding a bus stall outside the Coop in Fore Street on Friday, June 21 from 10-30am until 12.30p.

Timetable information will be available and there will be a chance to give your views on local bus services.

A spokesperson for the Wellington bus user group said: “When speaking to people at bus stalls we have held in the town over the last couple of years, we’ve found that often people who don’t normally use buses say they are used to driving everywhere.

“So we want to show the benefits of catching the bus to encourage people who don’t usually think about it to try it.

“We are also reminding people that all local bus fares are only £2 (single) until the end of the year.”

Funding for the campaign, which is also supported by Transition Town Wellington, was provided by Wellington Town Council.

Better Transport Week, a ‘week-long celebration of sustainable transport’, is coordinated by the Campaign for Better Transport, a national organisation whose vision is for all communities to have access to high-quality, sustainable transport that meets their needs, improves the quality of life, and protects the environment.

More information about Somerset Bus Partnership: www.somersetbuspartnership.co.uk