THE third edition of the Wellington Film Festival will be held in October next year.

The event will take place on October 3, 4, 5, 2025 as the festival committee made the decision to schedule a third event after a meeting to review the outcomes of the second festival, held six weeks ago.

“The overwhelming success and popularity of the screenings and events this time made it an easy decision to go for a third festival,” said outgoing chair Cllr Keith Wheatley.

“We could have sold twice as many tickets for some of our shows and the free events such as the video projections on the United Reform Church and Dinosaur Sunday in the Park were unbelievably well-supported.

“What made the festival relatively easy to run now that it has become so recognised and welcomed in the community is the incredible amount of help and support, we had from organisations, businesses and individuals in the town. We thank them all.”

The recent festival was majority funded by Wellington Town Council, with secondary support from Somerset Council and Carly Press.

“It is hard to see a near-bankrupt Somerset Council funding us in 18 months’ time so we’re going to have to be looking harder for grants and sponsorship but the committee are determined to make it work,” added Cllr Wheatley.

The new chair of the Wellington Film Festival will be Cllr Sean Pringle-Kosikowzky, a founder member of the steering committee. Once again Somerset Film will be the operational partner for the festival.