THE Conservatives and Liberal Democrats in south Somerset have clashed over proposals over a possible bypass near the Dorset border.

The A357 runs through from north to south through the small village of Henstridge and is often used as a ‘rat run’ by HGVs travelling between Poole Harbour and Bristol.

The village’s narrow routes have come under close scrutiny in the last few years after plans for 130 new homes off just the A357 were approved on appeal, with a further 52 homes being proposed on the site immediately opposite.

Faye Purbrick, who is standing for the Conservatives in the Glastonbury and Somerton constituency, has accused Liberal Democrat candidate Sarah Dyke of ignoring local calls for a bypass, claiming local residents’ concerns had “fallen upon deaf ears”.

Ms Dyke responded that she had been working on these issues as a local councillor for two years and was determined to resolve traffic issues in the village.

Outline plans for 130 homes on the A357 High Street were approved on appeal by the Planning Inspectorate in November 2018, with Barratt David Wilson Homes securing more detailed approval from South Somerset District Council in May 2022.

As part of this latter approval, the developer was required to provide a number of improvements to the main road to ensure traffic could flow safely through the village and that pedestrians were properly protected.

The road is extremely narrow in place, with limited pavements, and there are few alternative routes through the village for pedestrians and cyclists.

Somerset Council has twice refused the developer’s proposed road safety improvements – first in October 2023, and again in April 2024.

Ms Purbrick – who represents the Yeovil South division on the council – has launched a petition calling for a bypass to be constructed around the village, which would take the increasing number of HGVs away from the existing and planned new homes.

Speaking on June 5, she claimed Ms Dyke had ignored residents’ concerns since she was elected to represent them in parliament, having won the Somerton and Frome by-election against Ms Purbrick in July 2023.

Tory MP Faye Purbrick with supporters in Henstridge.Tory MP Faye Purbrick with supporters in Henstridge. (Image: Somerset Conservative Association)

Ms Purbrick said: “It is outrageous that the Lib Dem MP has failed to react to the calls for help from local residents since she was elected.

“I have spent time talking to residents and have launched a petition to hopefully help deliver a bypass for the A357, improved road safety, and relief for the people of Henstridge.

“To be clear, this is not a campaign that I am launching lightly, I fully intend to see this through and find safer solutions for road users and residents along the A357, and hope local people will hold me to that promise.

“The people of Henstridge, and across the Glastonbury and Somerton constituency, deserve better, and on July 4, they can vote for the positive change our brilliant area so desperately needs.”

Henstridge resident Keith Waterhouse said: “I have been trying for months to raise our village’s concerns with Sarah Dyke, but she just doesn’t listen.

“Local people have been crying out for our MP to listen to us and do something to address our fears.”

Henstridge parish councillor Dr Adrian Gaymer added: “Henstridge just cannot cope with the huge lorries and constant increase in traffic, we desperately need an MP who actively champions local villagers’ concerns.

“All the villagers along the A357 and A350 will continue to suffer until a fresh route solution is achieved for traffic between the Dorset coast and the M4.

“Faye is listening to our concerns and taking action to help, and I am extremely grateful to her. I encourage local people to head to her website and sign the petition.”

In addition to representing Henstridge in parliament, Ms Dyke is one of two Somerset Council division members for the Blackmoor Vale division, which includes Henstridge, Templecombe and other villages in rural south Somerset.

Sarah Dyke with former party leader Sir Vince Cable.Sarah Dyke with former party leader Sir Vince Cable. (Image: Liberal Democrats)

Ms Dyke said she had “been working exceptionally hard with and for the residents of the village of Henstridge, both as an MP and a councillor”, but that building a bypass along Camp Road was not a workable option.

A spokesman said: “Thanks to her knowledge of these issues, Sarah held an early meeting with Dr Adrian Gaymer in Henstridge in August 2022.

“She explained that constructing a bypass along Camp Road, an unclassified and largely single track lane, was simply not viable.

“Since then, she has spoken at various parish meetings on the subject and had a site visit with Adam Garland, principal planning liaison officer at Somerset Council, in the village in July 2023.

“As the MP for Somerton and Frome, Sarah received four pieces of casework in September and October 2023 about traffic in Henstridge, including one from Keith Waterhouse. All correspondents received a response in the first week of October.

“Sarah explained that she was pushing for the proposed traffic schemes to go to the council’s planning committee south, to allow local people to share their views.

“Sarah also received casework about this issue in her capacity as a divisional councillor. Sarah and her co-councillor Nicola Clark work closely in preparing all responses, but Nicola took the lead at meetings and in replying to residents.

“When the flawed road safety schemes went before the planning committee, in October 2023 and April 2024, Councillor Nicola Clark spoke against them.

“In her capacity as a councillor, Sarah registered her strong objection to the schemes at the October meeting. Sarah and Nicola subsequently received emails from local residents thanking them for their support.

“It’s deeply regrettable that the Conservatives have chosen to hijack the issue of pedestrian safety in Henstridge, in a desperate bid to distract from the fact that they crashed the economy, left Somerset residents unable to get a GP appointment or see an NHS dentist, and allowed water companies to discharge sewage into our rivers.

“Since overturning a Conservative majority of 19,000 in July 2023, Sarah Dyke has worked exceptionally hard on behalf of all constituents, including the residents of Henstridge. If re-elected, she will continue to do so.”

The full list of candidates standing in the Glastonbury and Somerton constituency on July 4 is as follows:

Tom Carter (Reform UK)

Jon Cousins (Green Party)

Sarah Dyke (Liberal Democrat)

Hal Hooberman (Labour)

Faye Purbrick (Conservative)