WITH temperatures outside of minus 4.5 degrees celcius, it was surprising how many members attended the first meeting of 2009. The speaker, Andrew Lovering from Greenthinking, gave his talk on domestic renewable energy at the beginning of the meeting, outlining the Government’s ambition to convert and build homes that are carbon neutral.

He explained several methods of providing efficient heating systems that do not rely on international political situations.

After a much-needed hot drink, the President, Gill Dennis conducted the business part of the meeting as quickly as possible, the minutes of the previous meeting being taken as read.

Arrangements were made by the Secretary, Gloria Dobinson, for the provision of refreshments on several Churchinford Village Market days and the transport for those going to hear the discussions at Sidmouth on the proposed Resolutions that will be put to the Government.

The up to date Financial Statement was read out by the Treasurer, Pernelle Rowe and the correspondence by the Secretary.

Claudia Gill informed the members of forthcoming lectures at Richard Huish College in Taunton and in the absence of the Outings Organiser Ann Salmon, Linda Knowles confirmed the arrangements for the visits to Taunton Magistrates’ Court. A clipboard was circulated asking for the members’ preferences for outings in 2009. Ann Salmon also wanted Linda to thank everyone for helping to provide 134 shoeboxes full of Christmas gifts for deprived children in eastern countries.

As the newly designated Welfare Visitor, Linda Knowles asked that information concerning members who may be seriously ill or bereaved be passed on to her.

The February meeting will take the form of a coffee morning and Bring & Buy stall at the home of Rita Batchelor at Higher Willand Farm, Churchstanton on Thursday February 5, when all will be welcome