AS Burns Night had only been recently celebrated, the February meeting took the form of a ‘Scottish Evening’, with dancing, songs and readings.

Sadly, the planned haggis, neeps and tatties tasting following the recitation of the ‘Ode to the Haggis’ could not take place due to the effects of adverse weather conditions, but despite this, members enjoyed a very entertaining evening.

Jill Merer recalled dancing at the Edinburgh Assembly Rooms and read extracts from a book about Scottish dance etiquette before Eileen-Ann Moore and Jim Parham sang several Scottish ballads and led members in singing some well-known tunes.

Then the Minehead Scottish Dance Group, accompanied by Alan Grieve on the accordion, demonstrated several dances before inviting members to join them in several dances. An uproarious and enjoyable time was had by all, after which Margaret Wenham gave a vote of thanks on behalf of all the members.

Raffle prizes were distributed and the competition for ‘something Scottish’ was judged. The Chairman noted that the Annual Dinner at Minehead Golf Club at the end of January had been very much enjoyed, particularly the ‘in-house’ entertainment provided by representatives of the various sub-groups.

The next meeting , on March 9, would be the Annual General Meeting and would be followed by the Guild’s ‘birthday party’ celebration.

Minehead Townswomen’s Guild meets on the second Monday of each month at 7.30pm at the Church Hall in Bancks Street and all ladies are welcome. For more information, contact Ann Grieve on 01643-706389.