IT was an evening of memories for members of the W.S.C.A. at their monthly meeting held on February 18.

Philip Knighton who has a lifelong hobby of collecting gramophone memorabilia gave an informative talk on this history of the gramophone.

Then Philip played a number of seventy-eight speed records, some of which were even one hundred years old.

Considering the age of the wind-up gramophone and the age of the records, the quality was very good. Philip played humorous and serious records and he said many of his collection were a social commentary of life and social conditions of the time.

The entertainment included community singing, a monologue of the Battle of Hastings, the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, Chamberlain’s famous 1938 speech, and Peter Dawson singing The Floral Dance.

During the interval members inspected the wide diversity of records on display. Philip was thanked by Chairman Peter Triggs who announced details of the St Pinnan’s Day dinner on March 14, which incorporates celebrating thirty years of the local branch. Melba and Eddie Dib the raffle.

Tea and biscuits were then served. The next meeting is on March 18. Further details from Kitty on 256482.