CHARITABLE patrons turned the other cheek to boost funds for Bowel Cancer UK in the first official World Furtling Championships.

There was tension in the air as nearly 50 competitors battled it out for the top spot at the Martlet Inn in Langford Budville near Wellington this weekend.

Furtling is the Victorian art of making a shape with your hand to make it look like a body part through a strategically cut hole in a post card or photograph.

The idea for the competition came from pub regular Barrie Taylor after spotting new beer mats from drinks producer Fentimans, which recreated Victorian like postcards with parts cut out.

He said: “After a few too many in a lunchtime session I thought it would be a great idea to have a world championships and help raise money for charity.

“So I called the company and said they said it was a great idea.

“And since we would be making shapes of bottoms it seemed appropriate to raise money for Bowel Cancer UK. And we raised £100.”

The men’s title was won by Bill Seymour from Fitzhead whose creative use of props, including a rubber band thong, scored highly with judges.

While the women’s event was won by 80-year-old Jo Baker from Langport and Oliver Taylor from Screedy came top in the under 16 category.

Barrie added: “It was a great event, everyone got into the spirit and had fun.

“Fentimens have now championed Bowel Cancer UK as their chosen charity and we’re hoping the world championships are going to be an annual event.”