Having had two speakers with superb sets of prints, members of Taunton Camera Club again witnessed a similar style of talk from John Chamberlin.

Under the title ‘A Personal Selection’, John’s presentation was also billed as the ‘Ann Hickox Memorial Evening’ in memory of a club member who died recently leaving a significant bequest to the club.

John is a well-travelled photographer specialising in landscapes and wildlife and he showed prints from places as far apart as Spitzbergen and South Georgia, with Tuscany, Namibia, Yellowstone, New Mexico and the Falkland Islands in between.

He stressed at the beginning of his talk that to become a good photographer you have to “stick at it”, get up early for the best light and be prepared to put in some effort to get the image you want.

Virtually all of his digitally-taken images were printed as they came from the camera, not doctored in the computer, and, as pointed out by Julian Comrie in his vote of thanks, all to a consistent high standard.

Many members thought it was the best set of prints the club had seen for a long time.

The next meeting on April 20 will be ‘Pilgrimage to the Prancing Horse’ by club chairman Tony Bagwell.

New members are always welcome.