NATIONAL LibDem leader Nick Clegg advised against talking up the green shoots of recovery after meeting business representatives in Taunton this afternoon.

Mr Clegg, who met local company executives in Blackbrook, said he felt the Government should do more to counter the recession.

Speaking exclusively to the County Gazette, he said: “While we might not be standing on the edge of the cliff, it’s far to early to say when and in what way a recovery will come about.

“We’ve avoided complete meltdown, but we should be cautious about talking up green shoots - it’s important not to raise false hopes until we know we’re on the road to recovery.”

Mr Clegg said Labour should cut red tape, overhaul the tax system, cut income tax and drop the VAT cut, and spend more on job creation, housing, schools hospitals and public transport.

He added: “The business people in Taunton weren’t the most pessimistic I have met compared to other areas of the country.

“There is no feeling of absolute meltdown, but they are very anxious and worried that their customers are not confident enough to spend money.”

He praised the work of LibDems locally – the party has control of County Hall and Taunton Deane Council as well as Taunton MP Jeremy Browne.

“Jeremy is one of the most dedicated and hard-working constituency MPs you could find anywhere in the country,” said Mr Clegg.