NOTES from Bishop's Hull Parish Council 1. Bench at Haydon Close – the council has considered moving this bench but there are still questions to be resolved as to whether it is worth having it restored or buying a new one.

2. PACT – the Police were represented at the meeting and discussed anti-social behaviour in the village. This was declining as the weather got colder. There had been some success with the ‘restorative justice’ process following an instance of graffiti in the play area. Fly tipping was still a problem in certain areas but there is a hotline at Taunton Deane and they are prompt at removing rubbish once it is reported. The police said that a CCTV camera is to be installed at Malthouse Court overlooking the play area. Dog fouling on the playing field is a major and increasing problem and dog owners are asked not to exercise their dogs on the playing field itself.

The police will be keeping watch also and offenders will be either prosecuted or fined on the spot.

3. External audit – the clerk reported a satisfactory outcome to the audit and the council signed off last year’s accounts.

4. The Persimmon Homes application is to be considered again at a Planning meeting on November 25. There was some discussion re the venue for the meeting – it was desirable to hold it in the village if possible, and at a venue large enough for everyone to get in. The clerk was asked to write to Judith Jackson at Taunton Deane asking whether they were prepared to hold the Planning Committee meeting in the parish.

5. Cllr Alan Paul is promoting a resident friendly parking policy in this parish and in Comeytrowe. He is hoping to conduct a survey in at least two areas in the parish and put forward suggestions to SCC for better parking regulation.

6. Speedwatch has been running for a year and has been very successful. 299 speeders have been sent letters by the police and it appears that average speeds through the village have decreased. 7. Tytherleigh Bridge has still not been repaired. It has been damaged by large vehicles several times in the past and SCC is reluctant to repair it again until they have found a way of stopping it being damaged in the future. This may entail the installation of bollards.

8. It was noted that there is a lot of chewing gum on the pavement by the Old Inn – this is very hard to remove without special equipment. Please do not deposit chewing gum on the pavement.

9. Taunton in Bloom – the Council was pleased to note that the Meryan House Hotel and Mr Stark of Richmond Park won awards in this competition – well done to them both!

10. Information about all Parish Council meetings and members is on the village noticeboards and the Website 11. Full copies of the minutes of Parish Council meetings are available on request from the Clerk. There may be a small charge for printing costs.

12. The next Parish Council meeting will be on Wednesday December 9 at the Frank Bond Centre, starting at 7.30pm.