AT the two October meetings, talks were given on The Street Pastors and The Open Door. This charity is now based in Mary Street, at the very same premises where the IFL held its then weekly meetings, before moving to St John’s Hall at the end of June 1969. The Open Door is open from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Thursday and from 9am to 3pm on Fridays. They offer various services to those in need. The manager has an assistant and the valued help, of at present, 28 volunteers.

The League held its AGM on November 13. Mathilda Watt, Chairman, gave her annual report and the treasurer, Geoff Brownsey, presented the accounts. The branch committee was relected en-masse.

At the next meeting, on November 27, a presentation will be given by Tony Bagwell. The last meeting of this year will be on December 4 at St John’s Hall and will be an early celebration of Christmas. The League has been invited to the Mary Street Unitarian Church carol service on December 14.