OVER 60 people flooded into Dulverton Town Hall last week to vote on how £15,500 of public money is spent in their community.

As reported last week, the Sensible Spending event allows groups and organisations a chance to bid on a share of cash to be used to benefit the community.

Representatives from 17 groups made a presentation for the cash, provided by Somerset NHS, West Somerset Council, Dulverton Town Council and Magna West Somerset Housing.

Each project was scored by the audience on value for money, deliverability, and its benefit to Dulverton.

Community groups then had to decide how they could trim their bids to fit the funding and a second vote was taken to find the winners.

Chris Nelder, town council chairman, said: “The winners range from the Dulverton Patient Group who organise prescription deliveries, to the junior cricket club and three different dance groups for the elderly, ballroom, and young people - all good local, voluntary activities.

“Some bidders even came together to share the equipment they had bid for, showing how such an event can bring the community closer together.”

Another success was the bid for funding to extend Somerset County Council’s snow clearing with £820 going towards gritting Amory Road - the route to the schools and new medical centre.

West Somerset Council leader Keith Ross added: “This event has been highly successful and demonstrates how local communities can make decisions in a democratic way to spend public money, rather than having distant authorities deciding for us.”

It is hoped the project can be expanded next year in a bid to engage more people in local democracy.