Tuesday, June 7 - British tanker British Enterprise (23,682/01) moved from Falmouth Bay to Carrick Roads anchorage. Salvage tug Anglian Princess (2,258/02) arrived from Mounts Bay and anchored in the Roads. Whitstar (1,116/68) sailed from the docks for Immingham. Cementina (1,096/60) sailed from Truro for Bremen.

Wednesday, June 8 - British bulk carrier Sir Charles Parsons (14,201/85) arrived from Belfast with engine problems and moored to Crossroads Buoy.

Thursday, June 9 - The Singapore tanker Loyalty (43,363/85) arrived from New York and anchored in the bay. British tanker British Endeavour (23,235/02) arrived from Ceuta, North Africa and anchored in the Roads. Trinity House lighthouse and buoy tender Patricia (2,639/82) anchored in the Roads. Bahamas flagged cargo vessel Huelin Dispatch (1,892/78) undocked from No. 4 dry dock. The British research vessel Odyssey Explorer (1,697/72) sailed from the Duchy Wharf.

Friday, June 10 - British Endeavour dry docked in No. 2 dock. The Sir Charles Parsons sailed from the roads for Le Havre. The Bahamas cruise ship Alexander von Humboldt (12,331/96) arrived from Dublin for a cruise call and later sailed for St Peter Port. British tanker Clyde Fisher (8,446/05) sailed for Milford Haven. British tanker British Enterprise moved from the Roads to the Duchy Wharf. The tanker Loyalty moved from the bay to the Queens Wharf. The warship HMS Tyne P281 (1,700/02) arrived in the Bay to transfer personnel. Panamanian survey vessel Ocean Boomer (1,833/66) arrived from Gibraltar and anchored in the bay.

Saturday, June 11 - The Ocean Boomer moved from the bay to County Wharf. The Russian coaster Ladoga-16 (1,590/79) arrived from New Ross, Ireland to load stone at Dean Quarry for Dagenham.

Sunday, June 12 - No Movements

Monday, June 13 - The Ocean Boomer moved from the County Wharf into No. 4 dry-dock for a refit. The Huelin Dispatch sailed from the docks for Portsmouth. The Anglian Princess sailed for Mounts Bay. Odyssey Explorer berthed on the Duchy Wharf.