I READ with interest the objection to double yellow lines being introduced in Four Lanes. I think Mr Bray and other drivers should read their Highway Code, and see that it is an offence to park within 10 metres or 30 feet of any road junction, regardless of whether there are yellow lines there or not.

There should be no need for any consultation. Parking on corners, and in general, is a big cause of accidents. No one has any right to park on the road in any case, it is just one of those things that has just evolved over time, and nothing is done about it. If anyone is in doubt, please contact Mr John Moore, the enforcement officer at DVLA, who made this clear on the Jeremy Vine Show a few weeks ago, when people were complaining of not being able to park on some roads.

If more people read and obeyed the Highway Code instead of just throwing it away after passing their test, we would not have so many of these appalling fatalities we have been having on our roads recently. The road layouts, many of the new ones in fact have made the roads more dangerous, and bad road surfaces in some areas do not help, but speed calming, speed cameras, etc, which get drivers more frustrated, do nothing to improve the standard of driving, which is the problem, and is getting progressively worse. Until this is tackled, the problems will go on and on.

Trevor Goldsworthy, Camborne