"A remarkable crop of maize and the best that I've seen this year" was how Barry Mills of ICM (SW) Ltd - a Westcountry based independent agronomist, described a field of Tomahawk maize being grown on Peter Willes' farm at Instow, near Bideford, North Devon.

Willes Farming Ltd, who have a dairy enterprise of 1,500 cows plus their own cheese factory at Parkham near Bideford, grow around 450 acres of maize each year, and with most of the maize growing area being classed as marginal, earliness of harvest is extremely important - especially as 300 acres of wholecrop wheat are being grown in rotation with the maize. Maize that is harvested by October 1, with the wheat being planted soon after, will qualify for ELS and Cross Compliance payments - the wheat benefiting from a more reliable establishment.

Tomahawk has been Peter Willes' first choice early variety for the past two years, as high dry matter maize is essential for his feeding management - the optimum being around 32%. In addition, good early spring vigour has reaped rewards as both Peter and Barry are convinced that a good start can mean harvesting up to a week earlier - and that can be quite critical in a marginal area in a poor growing year.

With the maize being grown several miles from the main farm, it is impossible to apply either slurry or FYM, therefore all the nutrition has to applied "from the bag", and this year, 300 kgs per acre of Fibrophos were broadcast prior to drilling using a lime spreader - the analysis being 0.11.22 plus high levels of sulphur and magnesium plus other trace elements. In addition, 3 x 50 kgs per acre (100 units) of nitrogen were also broadcast just prior to drilling. Finally, as a MAP replacer, 8 kgs per acre of micro-granular Umostart (11.46.0 + Zn) were applied "down the spout". Umostart has been shown to be more effective than MAP and is much easier to apply.

Barry Mills said: "There is an old adage about being knee high on the July 4, but this crop of Tomahawk has exceeded all expectations and was actually chest high on that date."