I write in reply to Senor/Senora, name and address supplied, "Living the dream and creating a nightmare" (letters, January 21), who thinks that Cornwall is being destroyed by other people who wish to live there. I so sympathise!

Here in Spain we have the same problem. There are so many Cornish people coming to live here (they say it's for their health) that our beautiful country and our way of life is being ruined. They ruin the countryside by renovating old "casas" which were more attractive as ruins.

They interfere with the way we treat our donkeys. And now - worst crime of all - we have "pasty" shops! Shops in beautiful Spain actually selling these disgusting things! What's wrong with a nice paella? Why can't they stay in their damp climate and stop coming over here and ruining our culture? We don't want Spain to become a little Cornwall.

I wrote to my MEP about it, but she just tells me that the freedom to live where we want is a basic human right (she's probably a Basque). Manuel del Fawlte, Casa Pepe, Costa del Sol