AN appeal for our readers to help give Marines and their families a day they will never forget has met with a great response.

Several businesses and individuals are putting up prizes for a private family fun afternoon for men from 40 Commando and their families next month following our report last week.

The event takes place at The County Ground, Taunton, after a homecoming parade through the centre of the county town.

Prizes donated for the day, which includes a funfair and stalls, include a B&B weekend, hundreds of lollipops, a family weekend in London, free driving lessons Colour Sgt Geoff Power, who is helping organise the event, said: “The request to support 40 Commando in last week’s County Gazette was well received and we are very grateful to everyone for their support – it means a lot to the lads.”

Jane Adams, who runs a hair salon in Station Road, is offering 30 30% discount vouchers as prizes.

She said: “Everyone needs to know what a fantastic job the Marines did in Afghanistan and we all need to support them – they put their lives on the line out there.”

Anyone else who wishes to support the event should contact C Sgt Power on 01823-362461 or e-mail