THE new medical centre in Mantle Street, Wellington, will leave some people unable to park anywhere near their homes, it was claimed this week.

A group of residents are angry after receiving a letter from the county council outlining plans to put double yellow lines along a large section of the road to make the entrance to the centre safer.

Amanda Orszag-Land said: “This proposal will effectively stop us from parking anywhere near our homes as we have no alternative place to park.

“This certainly was not discussed at the planning stages of the medical centre proposal and there is much upset and anger at the way this whole thing has been carried out.

“The letter regarding the current 'widening of pavements' made no mention of these further traffic calming plans.”

Neighbour Jem McCluskey added: “The yellow lines will make parking very difficult or impossible at times.”

The premises will provide a new home for GPs from Wellington Medical Centre which is relocating from Bulford.

A spokeswoman for Somerset County Council said: "As part of the planning consent the developer of the site had to submit a plan to the county highways authority incorporating the provision of double yellow lines - 'no waiting at any time' restrictions in Mantle Street.

“These documents are available on the Taunton Deane Council web site.

“Notices have been put on site and advertisements published in the local press.

"Anyone wishing to object to the proposed restrictions should write to Mr Mick Sampson of the Traffic Management Team, Somerset County Council, County Hall, Taunton giving reasons for objection.

“The period for objection ends on October 13.”