TAUNTON Rugby Club head coach Tony Yapp has expressed his pride over his side earning safety in the National One Rugby division.

"I am so proud of this team and the fight they show, the spirit the play with. they are all an absolute pleasure to work with, all of them. 

"I couldn't thank them enough. Well done boys."

He said that on the day of the final game, the Taunton squad were focussed solely on their match.

"We had to make sure we got the job done here, not worry about other results. But to come here and score 59 points were excellent, the boys worked so hard today. It is deserved.

"And they have worked hard all season, we started not as well as we have in the past and there was a few season long injuries and a few players departing had an affect on us."

Yapp added that his bare bones squad did well but recruitment was needed.

"We thought we could manage with what we had, and we did, we were challenging in every game.

"But we recruited a couple of extra players to give us some more fire power and since Christmas we have been excellent.

"The pressure our side has been under the last couple of months to get results has been huge, the fact that when it has mattered we have stepped up is amazing."

Speaking on the club as a whole, Yapp added that the spirit is so high around the place.

"The boys all get on so well as a group, this club is a family club, the coaches want what is best for the players.

"This is going to live long in the memory for this club because we put ourself in a difficult situation this season but we did what we needed to do to get the job done.

"The players bring so much energy and confidence, despite results not going our way, the spirit and atmosphere has always been top tier."

And to the supporters: "The supporters have been excellent as well. We had some doubters this season but we also had a lot of good support.

"We had so many people backing us this season, and to those people I couldn't say thank you enough."

Yapp already has his sights on next season.

"Now we will reflect on what has been a tough season, and we can't wait to get back out there again next season."