JAMIE Short is this year’s Oake Manor Golf Club Champion for the second year running. Jamie scored an excellent 136 gross, 4 under par. Jason Brock was runner up with gross 138.

Charles Hardman was the nett Champion scoring nett 138 while Matt Woodgate was runner up also with 138 but losing on count back.

Kathryn Loader won the Ladies Championship for the second year in a row scoring gross 168 narrowly beating runner up Jane Clist on 169 by one shot.

Kate Foster Won the Ladies nett Championship scoring nett 142, runner up was Rose Jarvis on nett 143.

Noah Jones won the Junior Club Championship with gross 75 and Jack Cole won the Nett Championship with nett 55.

Paul Flay won the over 55 Men’s Championship scoring gross 152 and Jane Clist won the Ladies over 55 Championship for the fifth consecutive year with gross score of 169.

On Bank Holiday Monday 26 mixed pairs played a greensomes competition for The Cob & Pen Trophy, Thomas Bordier and Ladies Club Champion Kathryn Loader were the winners with 46 points, Nigel Foster and Ladies Nett Champion Kate Foster were second with 43 points while Angus and Amanda Mather were third with 42 points.

On Tuesday the Ladies played a Stableford Competition for the Eileen Scragg Salver which was won by Shane Bordier with 37 points. Kathy Salway was second in division 1 with 36 points and Angela Warnes was third also with 36 points. Emma Fitzgerald won division 2 with 36 points, Kate Foster was second also on 36 points while Suzie Pitt came third with 35 points.

The Seniors Section held their Invitation Day on Thursday, 74 members and guests took part in a better ball pairs competition. The winners were Mike Sheppard and his guest Max Waller with a superb score of 49 points, John Wall and Jeff Dyke were a close second with 48 points while Colin Shepherd and Les Neville were third with 46 points.