I MUST take issue with the pro-EU drivel in this week's Mercury ('Prosperity, patriotism and peace rule in EU decision', Bridgwater Mercury, February 2).

Firstly, the reason why we in Europe have been at peace for many years is thanks to NATO and the UN, which hasn't cost us £45 million every day!

Secondly, how can it be unpatriotic to want to take back control of our borders and of our laws-to-be, set by us and not by foreign judges whose own countries have very poor records for human rights etc?

The politicians who say that we should stay in the EU are the same ones who said we should be in the Euro and look what a disaster that would have been!

Furthermore, as a brief example of life shackled to the EU, we, once a great sea-faring nation with the greatest trading seaborne empire the world has ever seen, are reduced to importing fish caught in what were our own waters and subsidised by our own taxpayers' money!

