TWO members of Taunton's Performers Drama Club, Becky Tabb and Charlie Hamilton presented a cheque for £170.50 to the manager of the town's Oxfam shop.

The money was the proceeds from their Christmas Show at Trull Memorial Hall on December 17.

This included four short plays including an Agatha Christie spoof called "Where There's a Will" and a play performed by the younger group of the club called "School Trip".

The organisers and members of the club wrote three of the plays and the music for "School Trip".

Becky and Charlie chose to spend the money, on behalf of the club members, through the Oxfam "Unwrapped" programme on overnight shelters in disaster areas, toilets and clean water supplies, and an alpaca goat.

Performers Drama Club is a non-profit making group for young people aged between 13 and 16 and meets on Thursdays at St George's Church Hall, Wilton on Thursdays between 7 and 9pm with a younger group meeting at 5.30pm.

Anyone interested in joining the group should ring Liz Hamilton on 01823-338634.