WAITING times at Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton have fallen to a record low.

No one referred to the hospital by their GP now waits longer than 11 weeks.

In many specialties the wait is even shorter than this; in cardiology, geriatric medicine, haematology and oncology the average wait is less than four weeks.

Roger Chandler of Taunton was referred to Musgrove Park by his GP for a cataract operation at the end of December.

He said: "I told them that I had a holiday planned so wasn't available until the end of February. They offered me an appointment on the March 1.

"I have lived abroad for a while where you can only get quick treatment if you pay for it. Last summer I needed a CT scan at Musgrove Park and was seen and given the all clear within a couple of weeks.

"I have been really impressed at the quality of service that you get at Musgrove Park."

Gill Boyle, associate director in charge of patient access, said: "Our staff have worked fantastically hard to make sure that all our patients are seen as soon as possible.

"We know that no one wants to wait and have changed the way we work to try to make sure waiting times are as low as they can be."

Director of finance and performance Peter Lewis said the trend would continue.

"By September no one will wait for longer than nine weeks, and by next year the entire wait from referral to any necessary treatment will be no more than 18 weeks including all appointments and any necessary tests.

"This is great for patients when you remember that only a few years ago people were often waiting well over a year."