STILL undecided who you're going to vote for?

Here's Clive Martin's attempt to attract your vote.


2014 was an extraordinary year for the Green Party. Nationally, our membership doubled from 15,000 to 30,000, while in Taunton our membership has trebled.

In May last year, Molly Scott Cato won a seat as the first ever Green MEP for the West Country in the European elections.

More and more people are rejecting the tired ‘politics as usual’ of the main parties and moving to the Greens as the only party who will build a society which is fairer and more sustainable.

The other main parties offer nothing but continued austerity. This ‘austerity’ is the great con trick of our age.

Public services are cut or transferred to rip-off private companies to provide a poorer service by paying lower wages.

It doesn’t create decent jobs at a living wage. We are being told by almost every politician that we can’t have the basic trappings of a civilised society because “the country can’t afford it” but it’s funny what the country can afford: tax cuts for those earning more than £150,000 a year; 20% pay rises for the chief executives of the top 100 FTSE companies; fracking for fossil fuels, and massive expenditure on over-priced and dangerous nuclear power stations.

Climate change is a fact. It’s observable. This year, like 12 of the last 14 years, will again be the hottest year since records began.

We’re already seeing the increased incidence of violent weather events with worse to come.

Over the past 40 years we have lost half of the vertebrate creatures on the planet as we pursue a path of ever more unsustainable growth.

We need a change. The Green Party is the only party seriously committed to doing something about the environmental crisis we face, the only party committed to a fairer, more equal society, and the only party who will take on the tiny elite who actually own and run this country.

We offer an alternative which funds the services we all need by raising taxes on the tiny elite who own and run our country, the 1% who own over 50% of the wealth, and by collecting the £100billion a year in tax which is unpaid, avoided and evaded by the wealthy and powerful.

Support us and join us in 2015 to create a society which is fairer, greener and more sustainable.