THE afternoon whist drive was held at Bishpswood Hall, organised by Mary and Stuart Govier, MC was Cliff Wright and there were 11 tables in play.

Top score in the room was Janet Giles with the score 176. Ladies: Gwen Case, Edna Farrall, Ivy Seaward, Mary Graham, Mo, Pat Harris, Sheila Lee, Elsie May. Men: Gwen Board, Ruth Sharland, Margaret, Jim Pye, Maurice Hake, May Sparks, Mike Grabham, Jim May.

Draw winners: Mary Woodland (2), Iris Ward, Don Hector, Edna Lane, Madge Wicks, Edna Farrall, Kim, Elsie May, Gwen Board, Jim May, Janet Giles, Mary Jeffery (2), Happy, Mary Govier.

The proceeds of £115 have been given to Otterford Church, many thanks to everyone who gave prizes.

The next evening whist drive is on April 27 at 7.45pm.

A bluebell walk is being held on Sunday, May 13 around Otterhead Lakes, meet at the lakes car park near Otterford Church at 2.30pm, walk takes about one hour, £2. Refreshments will be available afterwards at Bishopswood Hall, proceeds going to Blackdown Support Group, for more information contact 01823-601350.a