ON June 14, in the absence of the leader, Carol Jones, Shirley Gibbs, Secretary of The Wilton Group, introduced the speaker, Janet Jordan, and also her friend Amanda.

As an artist, Mrs Jordan spoke about the traditional printing process of producing etchings on metal plate, such as zinc and copper. Once the etching plate has been made, she can produce prints using different colours with a variety of papers, some of which she also paints. Taking her inspirations from the Natural World, Mrs Jordan had many of her etchings on display.

Mrs Jordan mentioned that her work has been selling regularly for the past six years, from a variety of galleries and exhibitions throughout the country.

Mrs Jordan entitled her talk "Etchings, Aches and Pains". Having spoken about the etchings, she concluded her talk by stating that, as a Multiple Sclerosis sufferer, she has been able to control her pains and fatigue by wearing several Bioflow bracelets. Being amazed at the incredible difference these bracelets have made to her well being, she has now become a Direct Distributor for Bioflow.

Joan Hartland thanked Mrs Jordan for her very interesting talk, and presented her with a donation for The M.S, Society.

Refreshments were served by Rita Dyer and Margaret Bisgrove.

Plans for the next meeting on June 28, were discussed. This will be an afternoon visit to The Mill at Bishops Lydeard.