THERE is an opportunity for all ages to learn more about beekeeping at the Blake Museum, Bridgwater. The Somerset Beekeepers' Association, (S.B.K.A.) and it's newly formed Quantock Division, have together staged a beekeeping exhibition that runs until 4th August. The museum is open from Tuesdays to Saturdays from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm and admission is free.

The past few months has seen an increase in colony numbers and a reasonable harvest of honey from the oil seed rape in some areas. These developments were desperately needed as colony numbers had been in decline earlier this year. The shortage of Somerset honey has only been partially alleviated. With the main flow of nectar expected in the next few weeks, beekeepers everywhere are hoping for a bumper crop.

The examination results of the British Beekeepers' Association modules have just been issued. Of the six members of the (S.B.K.A.) who sat the exams, five came from the Taunton Division and one from Exmoor. Together, they gained a total of 12 passes that included five credits and two distinctions. Amongst the subjects covered were Honeybee Management, Honeybee Products and Forage, and Honeybee Biology. The gaining of qualifications relating to beekeeping brings not only obvious satisfaction to the candidates themselves but also adds to the pool of experience so valuable in passing on the skills of the craft of beekeeping.

Further details of all the S.B.K.A. events and information relating to beekeeping can be found on the website at www.