WI: An even more lively and busy meeting at Sampford Arundel WI this month. Jan Goodman, a craft teacher, showed how to use virtually any craft known to woman to make quick and very effective greeting cards. There was a buzz of activity and chatter (or serious debate?) as even the most non-crafty' of members made some very beautiful pieces of work.

Beforehand, plans were made for the Ladies Day outing to Ascot, the train trip (with cream tea) to Minehead, the barbeque at next months meeting, the village fete and flower show (extra schedules available from Frames' in Wellington) and the Autumn group meeting (we need a sou' wester, a child's hat with wind-mill, and some toy antlers..) and suggestions, please for next year's programme.

A report was given on the excellent A.G.M at the Royal Albert Hall, where the resolution on keeping Community Hospitals has been passed nearly unanimously. There has also been further action on halting the closure of local post offices, the Chief Executive of Post Offices was given a rather hard time. The finale had been a rousing rendition of the now famous singing of Amarillo' (noting to do with the W.I except it was fun.) Members were invited to contribute items to Smile' for show boxes to be sent to Kosovo and other countries for deprived children; new items of clothing, writing equipment, toiletries, small safe toys and sweets (no chocs!) etc' all very welcome. A member's daughter had recently been to Kosovo to help, and it is hoped that she and someone from Smile' would come to the W.I to tell us more.