WI: THE president, Patricia Vernon, welcomed members and one new member to the June 13 meeting of the Bradford-on-Tone WI held in the skittle alley at The White Horse Inn, due to a production by the Bradford Players in the village hall.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Joyce Wallis. Jennie Dinsdale was thanked for providing the lovely floral display for the president's table. Betty Smith, treasurer, reported that tax could be reclaimed by tax paying members by signing the Gift Aid Declaration. A letter of thanks to everyone was received from "Support Dogs" for the generous donation and fund raising. The coffee morning at Margaret Wenhams was well attended and raised £140.00 and lots of useful things were donated to a very worthy cause. A coffee morning in aid of WI funds will take place at Yvonne Scotts at 10.30am on Thursday, July 5. The annual WI garden party and barbeque will be held at Christine Tripps at 7pm on Wednesday, July 11.

The speaker for the evening was Rupert Griffiths, West Hatch Wild Life Centre.

The valuable work of the R.S.P.C.A was very interestingly explained with illustrated views of the location and extensive facilities. It is funded entirely through donations and legacies. The public want to help and volunteers are always on hand to help the 18 members of staff, sometimes working 16 hours a day, particularly during the latest emergency on the south Coast when 600 heavily oiled birds were admitted to the centre. The hospital stank of diesel whilst the birds were carefully washed and stabilised, then spent time in a deep pool before being released to the wild.

Summer is a very bush time when fledglings and cubs are brought in. They are always released where they were originally found.

Christine Tripp gave the vote of thanks for a very interesting talk.

The competition for a greetings card depicting a wild animal was won by Marjorie Booth, Joan Jay and Joyce Wallis.

The raffle winners were Jennie Hamar, Lill Elliott, Rosemary Spencer, Cicely Richards and Margaret Wenham.

The next meeting, a Garden Party will be held on July 11 at 7pm.